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Famous places in Kashmir for visit

Kashmir often considered as the most beautiful state in India,is gifted by most gracious places in world which are none less than considered the new que of wonders of earth.Do not fear people here are very loyal,welcoming and readily got friendly with all. And in kashmir the crime rate is nearly 99 percent less as compared with other states of India where rapes are part of daily routine.As Kashmir is Muslim majority states but not radicalised crime is low,and stealing of things are very less.

From every corner of world came but not at such a high rate,and many places in valley are not explored.It seems like that all the things here are created by god himself.Here is the ultimate travel plan and things to visit Kashmir,which are less visited by tourists. Here we go

1-Dal lake located at heart of Srinagar city,is largest fresh water lake in whole Asia.You can enjoy sail boating locally called shikara , or live for days in house boats. YOU Can see the floating garden, floating market and apart from these one can experience that mind has been recharging itself after being left out  years from soul. THE Purity that one experience in unmatchabe on seeing the long mountains blocking the path of all sort of tension, rewiring the lost you from the prayers moving over the water are worth saying
2-And once you are around Dal lake you can visit the many beautiful parks coming with soothing spritiual healing places.They are listed below
1-Botanical or mughal garden,famous for natural area it's holds with various kinds of plants and flowers.The green pastures and forest like environment gives a feeling to live there forever
2-Cheshami shahi,merely 2 kms from botanical garden famous for the the spring of fresh water coming from mountains is main attraction of the place
3-Pari mahal,is ahead of cheshashahi, is abandon fort which is limited to its size, but it is top of mountain and one can see the whole city of Srinagar at once glimpse.Pari mahal is not so important as the road which lead us to it is utmost adventure road with no signs of human habitation, and road heavily enclosed by trees and smoothness it gives is worth saying here
4-Nishat,Is of different side of Dal lake, It is also famous for natural springs giving water at steady rate and the Chinar trees planted during mughal rule gives the glimpses of beautifullnes of old age
3-Dachigam national Park Is must  visiting place to Kashmir, for which you need special passes.In it you can see grizzly bear,snow leopard and famous in word endangered species called hangul.Located 15 kms from Dal lake.Can be a adventures places if you are being provided by passes by government
If want more information contact me 9086629010
4-Gulmarg Best known for green pastures,snow skeing, Trekking is the ultimate tourist destination.BEST place to participate to enjoy the snow skiing at cheap and affordable rates. one can trek upon the mountains to reach at top of mountain where cable car has final destination,if you want to trek it is good or you can go with cable car, which in my point of view is quite expensive


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