Intro to porn
So finally you are here to to end this habit of viewing porn.Porn is a new kind of potent drug which works on same mechanism as any potent drug work, it is a sweet Cynaide killing the pure minds of younger generation and never forgot the crime we commit as in direct sense we encourage the sex trafficking,child pornography and spreading crimes against women.According to survey porn hub was the most visited porn website in International market with 12,000,000,000 in year 2016.Are you in shock but you will also be one in these zeros who browse tsite.
Effects of watching porn and in how many ways it affects your life whether it is relationship, brain,sexual life, spiritual life
1-Memory loss First,what neurological scientist have found on prolong use of it alters our healthy neuro connection to weaker neuro connection which directs a person in receiving low amount of essentialy required hormones,and in other ways affects person congenital ability.
2-Broken relationships, as you drench in this black sea you find it difficult to connect real world you are really much attracted to person performing inminate scene on screen,you will feel hard to network with people,may be due to these things you no more get excited to develop stronger relationship and bring love in old one.person can face their loving ones leaving them.
3-Effects on spiritual life, as each time person watch porn he kills his soul which never allows to do this kind of sin.How much person arouses with this he lowers his self esteem and he no more get full enjoyment in life in small things,he before enjoyed to do. It really degrades your soul and turns your spiritual life into ashes
4-It wastes your precious time and creates a loop hole were you are alone,as the addiction rises person finds more extreme porn material to get same high feeling before,Sometimes person can surf upto 6hrs to find the appropriate stuff to get the things done.The more you surf,high are chances of cutting of from society friends and more important family.Separating you from the fun with family and friends that you will never get with shitty porn
5-Loss of interest in life and fun baised activities,Depression,lonely behaviour,Low self esteem,Dumb,Emotional imbalance, highly sexual impulsive behaviour, less productive are few things related with porn
6-Less productive, everyday watching porn makes you dumb unable to think and learn the new skills, learning requires desire and peeping everyday lowers this desire to foot.It can effect the student by lowering of grades,to employe less productive and terminating from job
Now I am going to discuss the ways you can do to Side yourself from porn. Read it carefully and extract the important information in your lifes
1-Become religious and start praying everyday God gave me strength to throw this bad activity from my life and fill my life with your light. It will help you to be morally active and help you to lift your self esteem.But be sure to include this in your daily routine. And pray in three times In morning,evening,and before going to bed. What Ever of your religion follow this daily activity
2-Engage yourself in social activities like join some NGO and be it's active member and on weekend try to take active part in it,this can help you many ways you can built relationship with people's and helps you to learn new and that makes your moral so high that porn will never touch your mind
3-Try to keep Gadgets from which it is accessible away from the resting when you carve for porn you have no easy access to it and you have ample time to think whether I should watch it or not
4-Inspite of Spending time on laptops and smart phones, try to read motivating books, encyclopedia and religious books like bible,Guru granth sahib, Gita,quran that will help you to connect with inner lost one. Or listen to motivating lectures like of Less brown on YouTube and increasing the information by random articles on Wikipedia and wiki how
5-Admit your habit to parents or person you love most,in first they will Scold you but after that they will create ways to pull you back from the dark well
6-Start exercising as it will you boost the neuro transmitter level in body and create a strong neural connection and boost certain transmitter like Gaba,Dopamine,Endophorins which will make you happy and active. Start doing yoga daily will purify the mind and helps to think positivly
7-start creative things like engaging self in creative some innovative things, writing poetry,songs,helping mother in household things, working in kitchen garden,visiting relative,going to walk alone to find yourself, Visiting places with greenery,adopting a pet all these activities will help you to get away from porn
I hope this article would help you to know about the consequences of watching porn and how to come of out of it
I also want to mention here that I have written this post few years back nearly three years back but the response that I am receving is overwhelming and I am receiving the views all round the globe.
To address this larger problem I will be writting another post specially addressing this problem and trying to erdicate this menance from the society
Thanks l
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