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Showing posts from June, 2017

Famous places in Kashmir for visit

Kashmir often considered as the most beautiful state in India,is gifted by most gracious places in world which are none less than considered the new que of wonders of earth.Do not fear people here are very loyal,welcoming and readily got friendly with all. And in kashmir the crime rate is nearly 99 percent less as compared with other states of India where rapes are part of daily routine.As Kashmir is Muslim majority states but not radicalised crime is low,and stealing of things are very less. From every corner of world came but not at such a high rate,and many places in valley are not explored.It seems like that all the things here are created by god himself.Here is the ultimate travel plan and things to visit Kashmir,which are less visited by tourists. Here we go 1-Dal lake located at heart of Srinagar city,is largest fresh water lake in whole Asia.You can enjoy sail boating locally called shikara , or live for days in house boats. YOU Can see the floating garden, floating marke...

Steps to make money from blog

Money is all we need,and we are always willing to get in short span of time without doing hard work.If you are in same category of people that will never work for you.You have to do some stuff,many people think through writing blog they will turn the the tables upside down.People have to think that in order to get $1 you have to give unique information more than double than this.Here is quick overview how to earn money online  through Blog 1:- Starting a blog with dedication and more responsible for the content you put in it.You cannot earn $1000 dollars in one night,you have to done lot of research and come up with a unique blog topic 2- Make a blog using these popular sites or , also you can download their application from play store. But best app is WordPress you can simply write the blog and monitor stats there but for blogger you have to write on going on the site of it  3- Try to elaborate your content both in means of length,t...