Intro to porn So finally you are here to to end this habit of viewing porn.Porn is a new kind of potent drug which works on same mechanism as any potent drug work, it is a sweet Cynaide killing the pure minds of younger generation and never forgot the crime we commit as in direct sense we encourage the sex trafficking,child pornography and spreading crimes against women.According to survey porn hub was the most visited porn website in International market with 12,000,000,000 in year 2016.Are you in shock but you will also be one in these zeros who browse tsite. Effects of watching porn and in how many ways it affects your life whether it is relationship, brain,sexual life, spiritual life 1-Memory loss First,what neurological scientist have found on prolong use of it alters our healthy neuro connection to weaker neuro connection which directs a person in receiving low amount of essentialy required hormones,and in other ways affects...
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