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Showing posts from October, 2017

Educative YouTube channels

So Guys All of us wanted to increase their knowledge about the day today things, And be literary smarter than others, In today time it is easy to achieve this as all technology is there.We have to do little to grab It.In race you tube is best possible way to achieve this feat.But here I will mention for quick way to learn it can be tool but If we want to go in depth of subject Books are the best remedial, which can never be forgotten.  These are the guys which are presenting the whole set of information in best and effective way.Inserting animation,Misconception ,physics, art, biology, chemistry, Everything .so meet them 10- Mental floss : Is a YouTube channel that mainly focusses on Life hacks, misconception in world, Interesting facts about everything raging from alcohol brands to facts about candies. All the stuff is in 6 to 10 minutes video. TITLED LIKE 52 Facts about Alcohol brands. Like this 9-Sci show: Is little bit popular with 5 million subscribers. The show is ho...

Tips For better spiritual health

Spiritual health should be our utmost responsibility,it is the thingh that decides how much prosperous we will be in our lives living a happy and peaceful life, a life which we are presently living  is like surrounded by negative people all the time but if we reap this fruit of spirituality inside us it may feel like we are separately living in tree house and sunlight is coming from all the windows, the windows Here I refer to say is mind which is getting that positive energy from god.And sitting on wooden table and coming down to take a look on lush green meadows and listening to the soft voice or chirp of birds that makes once mind a better place to think.That is the thing when we are in this area of spirituality we stop to think about the people and we stop pointing problems in people and we often volunteer ourselves to serve the humanity,to serve the mother nature When we are spiritually connected we are full control of our selves and anger lust is overthrown by god's name...